Monday 9 November 2015

Logo Evolution

In my logo evolution report, I have chosen two logo’s that is considered successful and one, I deem unsuccessful.

My first logo that has been successful is the PlayStation Logo

PlayStation is one of the largest and most successful manufacturers of video game consoles and company in the world. PlayStation was established in Japan during 1994. During that year, Manabu Sakamoto who is the designer for PlayStation created many logos to the company.

As we look at the collection of these PlayStation logos, it is evident that they have experimented with different elements until it got to a point where it didn’t need to be transformed, but to be clarified and refined. The current logo for PlayStation is represented greatly as it includes the 4  colours of the brand that symbolize joy, passion and excellence, it also gives off that modern day appearance, the PlayStation logo features a custom typeface also designed by Sakamoto specifically for the company. They have also developed secondary logos for the different consoles (PS1. PS2, PS3 etc.)  But the final logo (pictured below) still remains the primary logo but has been slightly refined.

PlayStation has been so constant and have shown a level of consistency in the brand's identity which is really important to the community's link with the logo and the brand. When the community see the logo, without a doubt they will have no trouble what that logo represents.

My second logo that has been unsuccessful is the Sherwin Williams logo, I find this logo unsuccessful, not just the logo but how it is portrayed. From my personal view I feel that they used the wrong colour and their slogan. I don’t like how the red paint is spilt over the earth; it also represents the colour of blood which also represents violence. It’s like they want violence to occur in this world.

Also looking at their logo there is a lack of consistency, the first logo was introduced in 1906 and has had some evolution inside the same concept of the paint covering the world, just the colours being changed.

If companies were to change their logo, they should stick to making small changes but not too much because if they were to change it significantly it will not be the best idea  as it can confuse the consumer and take away from the brands overall identity.

When we compare the PlayStation logo and the Sherwin Williams Company it is evident to see which one is successful and unsuccessful, one company doing a lot of brainstorming and experimenting with different concepts leading up to a final while the other company sticks to the same image and idea and only changing the way it looks such as the colour.

PlayStation sticks to the same logo, still being successful because of the minimal changes they have done and still in use to this day while the Sherwin Williams Company still uses the same concept, just the change of colours and appearing to be messy portraying a bad image. 

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