Monday 2 November 2015

Analyse and compare

Bob Peak revolutionised advertising in the film industry and is considered the “Father of the modern movie poster.”  

Bob Peak was a master draftsman with a brilliant sense of colour, texture, design and style that transformed 60’s print campaigns with bold colour schemes that still inspires and finds influence today. For movie advertising, he rendered wildly innovative illustrations from mere film still collages and head shots.

Bob Peak is represented in numerous permanent collections, including those of American Express, Playboy, Philip Morris, 20 Century Fox, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Sports Illustrated, Clint Eastwood, Sidney Poitier, and others.

Here are a few examples of his work.

When we examine the artwork of Bob Peak, some of his works include an expressive, abstract or clean appearance, collage, cartoon and comic art. Peak’s methods were as varied as his graphic approach, utilising, oil, acrylic, charcoal and mixtures of them. He chose colours, textures and design approaches that he felt appropriate for the subject.

There are similarities between Bob Peak and Frank Frazetta. Frank Frazetta is one of the world’s best known fantasy artists, inspiring generations with his remarkable paintings. His works cover many themes, from classic horror monsters to fantasy battles and heroes.

When we examine both Bob Peak and Frank Frazetta’s work, they have a few things in common, the image of the sun, the placement of the images and the use of different media. Both being in the same era I believe they shared the same idea, the difference is that Frank Frazetta’s work is more focused on an image of a person, not being expressive and abstract whereas Bob peaks work is more abstract and expressive with the use of different colours.

 With the posters that are being design today, it is possible that the designers who created the posters above were influenced by the works of bob peak and chose his type of style, not just that but looking at all the posters today, it seems as if they all have that bob peak style. Looking at the posters as a whole it successfully conveys the ideas to the viewer and also sticks to bob peaks film making art.

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